Saturday, August 1, 2009

One-stop source for Re-Drafting GMs

This might be updated if I miss anything, but here's an anthology of some of the best resources for keeping up with the draft. Leave additional links/spreadsheets/etc. in the comments.

Most importantly, the picks boards:

Round 1

Round 2

Round 3 (current)

Where does your team pick ... for the NEXT 20 ROUNDS???

Joe's kick ass effort

Regularly updated JUST PICKED lists

Vance's list (round by round)

Cornelius's list (by position)

Quick Notes/Rules

  • The Draft is in a "snake format" which means the top teams in the first round select last in the second round
  • The teams will be judged by the following methods: NHL '10 simulation, Voting by a Panel of Experts, Fantasy hockey-style raw stats
  • Trades ARE allowed
  • The Salary Cap is $57 million. No need for a league minimum.
  • Make sure to e-mail the people who draft after you.
  • A pick deadline has yet to be confirmed but is in the works
  • The team sizes will be determined by the interest people have in drafting for those last rounds. The current plan is to have at least 12 forwards, 6 defensemen and 2 goalies.


Chris Kontos said...


CLS said...

Awww, well, obviously there have been some great contributions from others too. Yourself, included.

Joe said...

Hey, your comments from the gmail are by CLS.



jamestobrien said...

Haha, something like that, Joe.

raventalon40 said...

I intend to draft those late rounds.

Where can I find the emails for the people who draft before and after me? I only have the info for Jeremy.