At some point in the wonderful Twitter process, the idea began to grow larger: how cool would it be if we did a "Fantasy Draft" with bloggers posing as team GMs (or ... something to that effect)? While the discussion seemed pretty enthusiastic, the exact details are still a little hazy. We're not sure if it would be better to do it through e-mail, some sort of live draft or what.
Some people have already shown some interest, but we thought we'd throw it out there before sending out spam e-mails and what not. Would this be something you'd find interesting? Perhaps you'd like to get involved? Feel free to use the comments as a forum for brainstorming and send us e-mails (jamestobrien@hotmail.com) if you'd like to be involved.
Is this something you'd find entertaining?
A fantasy draft was actually something I had thought of in my comment yesterday, but figured the idea was good enough with just #1 overall, and left it at that. Fantasy drafting is always a blast though! A first round would be easy enough through email. There would have to be a lottery though for all the positioning.
Just found a lotto tool, that lets you work with text:
Confirmed works how it would be needed here, I just gave it a try.
Fantasy drafts are the coolest!
i think i'm in. maybe Raw Charge, officially, but i need to run it past my blogging partner in crime John, first. so Tampa Bay is accounted for, if this happens.
a time period ought to be established first, tho, because of expansion teams. just last season or the ten years? only current NHL players, or everyone that's been drafted in that time period? must have a...minimum/maximum...of 3 (or whatever) players from the franchise on the team?
those are just some questions to start people thinking....
@ Joe: Does that mean I don't AUTOMATICALLY get the first pick. Pffft.
(Actually, I'm not sure if I will draft at all ... my guess is if we have a spot to fill I'll take it or something.)
@ Cassie: One thing I'm sure of is that we're looking at current, "active" players. Basically anyone who is available now.
As far as the EXACT details, we're kind of hashing those out ATM. Judging from the response, it seems like people might be interested in this idea.
I'm in for the Avs...
@Cassie - Basically, its just like a fantasy hockey draft or whatever. Unless James wants to add some other stipulations to it, but it would pretty much just be everyone in the league thrown into a giant pile, and you pick the one you want, and then the next person does the same. Make your pick, explain why, and what direction you would be taking your team in and how you would like to build from there.
@James - Could do it via email, and make it guest posted (like everything else on CLS!!!), and do like 2 a day. That would be 15 days for a complete first round. That way, James doesn't have to ACTUALLY contribute anything to his own blog for a whole two more weeks.
(Why don't I think of this stuff to make my own blog active? I'm not a very good at this stuff.)
Also, you know what I want in a video game? I want an expansion draft. I know Madden 2002(?) had this for after the first season when the Texans came in the league. On Madden and NHL games, I usually get good enough that I have to come up with new challenges for myself. One thing me and my roommate did on Madden was normal rosters, chose shitty teams, and then we each got to choose two players from the other's team to release. This is what I have to do for entertainment. Being able to say eliminate one of the 30 NHL teams to be replaced with your own expansion team would be an excellent challenge like that. You get to pick from the bottoms of everyone else's rosters and build a team from that. That would be very cool.
Also, I have a better answer for my "who would you take #1?": Darren F'in Helm. He would definitely be a harder worker than Malkin. And he doesn't look like an Ogre.
Also, if this were to go more than one round, should we do it as a snake or as a traditional order? i.e. Snake is 1-30, then 30-1, repeating. Pick 1 gets pick 60 in the second round. Traditional is like the entry draft, so it would be 1-30, then 1-30, so Pick 1 gets Pick 31 in the second round.
I would vote for a snake. Entry drafts are set up to give the worst teams (early pickers) an advantage because they earned it by being bad. In a fantasy draft, snakes are usually more fair, because obvious pick 1 is far more beneficial than pick 30, so the penalty for that is not getting to pick again till pick 60.
I'm in for the Leafs if they ain't taken.
As I told you on Twitter, I'm in for the Hawks.
Interesting idea, I'm in as long as I'm not away on vacay. I would prefer active players as opposed to the last 10 years just to make things more simple...it's a limited thinking thing during the summer.
It DEFINITELY will have to be a "serpentine" draft as they called it in the 2K games (or was it Madden)?
Joe: Also, if this were to go more than one round, should we do it as a snake or as a traditional order? i.e. Snake is 1-30, then 30-1, repeating. Pick 1 gets pick 60 in the second round. Traditional is like the entry draft, so it would be 1-30, then 1-30, so Pick 1 gets Pick 31 in the second round.
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